As you can see I've stitched the moody looking cloud and the lightening bolt. It turned out to be timely as we finally got some rain over the weekend, and our storm began with a flash or two and a few rumbles. Only 0.3", but every little bit helps. The air is certainly cleaner now. I think the plants and the critters appreciate the moisture and clear skies.
I took a stroll and this is what I saw.
Look closely. Can you see the bird?
It's a female Western Tanager.
My sister has a feeder in her Dahlia Garden.
It is frequented by Black-capped Chickadees...
...and Red-breasted Nuthatches.
A Turkey Vulture soared overhead.
Down at the Quarry Pond I was pleased to see not one...
...but two Western Pond Turtles.
And look! Working on a tree near the Big Creek, is an adult female Pileated Woodpecker.
She's chiseling out a typical oblong hole in her search for insects.
This shows clearly that she is a female - the red atop her head ends at her eyes rather than her beak as it does for males.
I like the perspective presented in this photo.

She was not alone, her daughter was also working away under Mom's supervision.
Not too far away a small flock of Bushtits feasted on blackberries.
They are tiny and merry little birds.
I hope you enjoyed the walk. I think we were nicely rewarded for our efforts.
(I know I am late with September's Blog Header. Please bear with me.)
ricamare sulla tela nera è difficile
Yeah, we had some rain too and there should be some more today. Long weekend looks warm and sunny! Thanks for sharing your lovely pics.
Awesome photos
I love all of your bird pics! Can you let us know what kind of camera you use or if you use a zoon lens? You get such great close ups!!
Great pics as always. Love the pileated woodpecker -- had no clue that was how you tell the female from the male. Glad you got a bit of rain too.
Wow, awesome collection of birds and photos. I miss the Red-breasted Nuthatch, it has been years since I've seen one. The Pileated woodie is a cool bird. Great post, enjoy your day!
I don't now what impresses me more, your stitching on BLACK or those beautiful pictures!
Thanks for taking me on a walk today. :-)
I loved the walk. I especially like the photo of the Bushtits eating the blackberries!
Enjoyed the walk and all the birds you photographed especially the Woodpecker.
Don't know what's better...the birds or the stitching??? Loved seeing the bush tires eating the berries. The pikeateds look absolutely prehistoric!!
Beth, thanks for that lovely walk! I am so fascinated by the turkey vultures and the little bushtits are too cute for words! One day I hope to see a pileated woodpecker in real life. We have the nuthatchers as well and they are fun to watch.
I am going to look up Bushtits... see if they come east at all! Like the Lightning coming from the cloud. Look forward to more updates. Hugs!
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