We've had several days of nice weather and I've been working outside for hours on end. Friday and Saturday my father and I power-washed all the walkways, the front porch, the back patio. Whew! Exhausting, but everything looks SO much better now. Stitching and blogging has taken the backseat, I hope to get caught back up again.

Last week was a pretty amazing week for birds.
On Friday I had my first of the year sighting of a male Western Tanager.
We usually see this spring migrant around Mother's Day, so this was a bit earlier than usual. I hope to catch glimpses of him and his family throughout the summer.
I am seeing a group of Mallards flying overheard in the early morning.
And down at the Quarry Pond I spied this pair.
The Band-tailed Pigeons are omni-present.
I was worried that I did not have many Black-headed Grosbeaks, but this morning I counted five males - so that is a nice start for breeding pairs.
I think the Violet-green Swallows have staked out three or more houses.
It should make for a busy and cheerful summer while they nest and raise their families.
Oh, but when that type of spring clean up is done it feels so good than you can move on to fun .... Once again lovely bird photos your so lucky to have the grosbeaks.....
Hi Beth! This time of year is always so busy. Thanks for taking the time to provide such wonderful eye candy. I absolutely love your photo of the pigeons! It looks like they posed for you.
Awesome! Especially the Tanager. I grew up in Connecticut and as a child was always amazed at the scarlet tanager we had hanging around our house. Years later when my husband and I traveled from California to Cape Cod for business I remember seeing them on my morning constitutionals. Fantastic pics!
The tanager is beautiful - so bright and pretty! He must make you smile just to look at him.
I know just how you feel. We have good weather till Thurs. then back to 4 days of rain. I feel so rushed when it is nice outside. Wonderful bird pictures. That Western Tanager is beautiful.
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