Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles May 2018 Blog Header
This header is a throw-back from April 2013 - five years ago.
Row #1: Lizzie Kate, "Love
My Cat"; Mosey 'N' Me, "What's for
Dinner"?; Birds of a Feather, "Curious
as a Cat"; Just My Imagination,"Cat
Row #2: The Goode Huswife, "Minerva"; Parvati Patel (real live Cat Princess); Tom Cat (real live Daddy
Cat); Bent Creek, "White
Cat";Hog River, "Old
Mouser"; Little House Needleworks, "Kitty
Cottage Sampler".
Row #3: The Goode Huswife, "The
Cat Sampler"; The Goode Huswife,"Gracie"; The
Goode Huswife, "Old
Friends"; Solomon (real live Beautiful Cat), Cleo (2000-2010 - the Queen
and mother of our Cat Crew), Barrick Samplers, "Patchwork Cats"; Bent
Creek, "Fur and
Feather"; Padma Patel (real live Big Boy).
I hope this helps
sort out the Blog Header. I am happy to answer any questions.
And now on to the birds. I am behind documenting my spring arrivals.
For the first time in my memory the Black-headed Grosbeaks and Evening Grosbeaks arrived on the same day - Wednesday 4/25.
Here's a male Black-headed...
and a female Black-headed showed up on 4/29.
The male Evening Grosbeaks are SO handsome!
This one was preening, thus the fluffy feathers.
That yellow-eyebrow!
Black and white and brown and yellow - stunning.
And I love the chirring sound they make.
Here's a female.
I've counted 20-24 birds.
This photo reminds me of a party shot - males on one side of the room, females gathered on the other side of the room...
...and when a female attempts to hang out with the guys, she get's the bum's rush!
Fabulous...oh what spectacular colors the Grosbeaks have and their song is so sweet! Enjoy😍😍
What beautiful colorings they have! I always enjoy seeing what the new header will include. Thanks for your efforts in creating them, Beth!
I love your new header Beth. :D
I like that new header - lots to look at there!
I had to laugh at the comparison to men and women at a party - too true!
Love love love your May fact all your headers..😀
That Evening Grosbeak male is indeed a studly bird. I'm a sucker for a yellow eyebrow...🤣🤣
You have some wonderful spring visitors! I love the cute header!
Love the new header. All those cats! I enjoyed the birds too. We are lucky enough to have our yellow finches return and I always think of them as yellow crayons flying around my yard.
You have such a fabulous bird feeding set-up. I'm really enjoying seeing your colorful visitors. Nice cat stitching in the header too.
Best header ever! Apart from the real cats my favourite is the BoaF one.
Fabulous bird pictures too
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