I'd hoped to have a pair of Western Bluebirds use my nest box this spring. While that was not to be, I am happily stitching away on an Eastern Bluebird. This is The Little Stitcher's newest release for her bird calendar series.
Courting continues apace.
This male House Finch was singing away in downtown Corvallis.
His audience did not appear to be terribly impressed.
Ms. House Finch eventually fluttered off and the male followed.
Here at home I watched a female American Goldfinch gather nesting material.
I'm not sure what she has in mind as this species does not nest until July.
I think my Chickadee house is unoccupied, so I delight in watching Chickadees eye nesting material.
A closer look.
Grab and mouthful...
...and off we go!
If I see one California Quail, I eventually see two. The pairs of birds are inseparable.

I was not at all happy to see a male House Sparrow.
He's a bully bird.
I heard my Violet-green Swallows in an uproar, and discovered this fellow attempting to take over one of their birdhouses. I got out a hose and sprayed water at him several times throughout the afternoon. The swallows also did their part, gathering together to mob the sparrow and attempt to drive him off. At work I've heard several stories from customers who have attempted to hang bird houses for swallows only to have them taken over by House Sparrows. That's not going to happen here if I can help it!
I want Tree Swallows...
...and Violet-green Swallows to use my bird houses...not non-native House Sparrows.
I hope the house sparrow gets the hint. Your Bluebird stitch is looking good, Beth.
What a bully that sparrow is! Glad the swallows drove it off! The stitched bluebird is just beautiful!!
Very nice. I wish we had more garden birds - but we really don't have as many as you guys! One day I'll get to see a Bluebird!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
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