Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Scary Finish Disgruntled Cats

Design - "Be Very Scary"
Chart - "Hats Off to Halloween 2"
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 12 October 2014
Completed - 14 October 2014

Love the colors and hey, it has an owl too.

IT's been pouring the last couple of days.
The cats are not pleased!

As it is raining hard, we'll take a Walk Back in Time.
I am hopeful that this Big Leaf Maple will reward me with some autumn color.

Until then I'll make due with the color of the Osier Dogwood.

The Oaks tend to go from green right to dark brown.

We do have a nice crop of rose hips.

And a bit of color from the Vine Maple...

...and the leaves of the Thimbleberry.

Speaking of berries!

A bit of color on the Ash trees.

And look at the pretty copper leaves of the Poison Oak! 

We do have a good crop of Snowberries...

and for the first time that I can remember, someone who is interested in eating the berries!

You go California Ground Squirrel!


cucki said...

Spooky swet stitch and I love the squirrel so much xx

Melody said...

Love your Halloween Owl stitch! The trees are really pretty here now. But we've had several rainy days in a row. Our ash trees have lost almost all their leaves.

Carol said...

Rain, rain go away!! We're having a spell of it, too, Beth--poor kitties!

Love this latest finish--the vintage colors are such fun!

Danielle A said...

Look at the cats on chairs! How sweet of you to set that up for them! :)

Wanda said...

Beth, I love 'Be Very Scary'! It looks like you asked the cats to pose all in a row!

Christine said...

Such a sweet finish! I love the picture of the cats all waiting the rain out

Barb said...

A wonderful Fall post. Be Scary is very cute!

Maggee said...

Darn rain! But it helps bring the fall colors, doesn't it? So you can get some more fabulous pictures! Hugs!