Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Autumn Owl Autumn Walk

Design - "Barney"
Chart Name - "June" (#325)
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count Lucky Penny R & R linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 October 2014
Completed - 5 October 2014 

Here's the second owl, a barn owl, in the recent mitten series by the Cricket Collection. The charts are fairly new - just released in the past few months and are readily available at your LNS or online. Just beware that the main design in the series is a monthly theme stitch; the owls are a small secondary design on the upper right of the cover photo on the charts.

"Taking a walk?"

"You go on ahead.  We'll hold down the fort and stay put." 

Okay you guys, but you are missing a lovely autumn day! 

The sun takes much longer to shine on the backyard these days.

But by 8:30am all is in the sunshine.

There's now a nice display of rose hips. 

And ripe apples abound.

The Hawthorns are covered in bright berries.
I think that's why the Ceder Waxwings continue to hang around.  

The deer will eat well the next several weeks.  There are dozens of old abandoned apple trees in the fields.

No one eats Snowberries as best I can tell.

I love the light in the forest this time of year.  

The honeysuckle berries glow in the sunshine.

Besides apple trees, I found a pear tree, and this is a plum. 

This young Douglas Fir leader is bent over with the weight of all the cones.

A butterfly takes advantage of one of the few remaining wildflowers - Tansy Ragwort.


Margaret said...

Silly kitties, not wanting to take a walk. Beautiful, so many fruit trees too! Love that owl stitch!

Vickie said...

mmmmmmm. I just had an apple for breakfast. Grew up with a McIntosh apple tree and pear trees. Good eating!
Love that owl stitch! How cute!!!

Danielle A said...

I love the mitten owls! :)

Ann at Beadlework. said...

The colours of autumn are quite unique Beth, so rich and appealing. I'm loving all your owls.

Pam in IL said...

A lovely autumn walk and Barney is so so cute! After the brutal winter and spring we had, the fruit trees did very poorly this summer.

Melody said...

Beth, I love your owl mitten! So cute! I have done some Cricket mittens but haven't seen the owl ones. I will have to go looking...

Ruth said...

Barney is darling... oh wait -- I just got it... BARN-ey.... Funny lol silly, slow me.

Sorry your walk buddy felt the need to stay on the porch--it looks like you had a beautiful walk.

Barb said...

What a delightful walk and a very cute owl mitten. They would make great ornaments!

Melanie said...

These are so cute! I like that they are something different re: mittens. They would look great on the bird tree at Christmas. :)

Andrea said...

A cute owl. Loved looking at the autumnal berries.