Thursday, October 9, 2014

Big Birds

Chart - "Night Watch"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 October 2014
Completed - 7 October 2014

Two good motifs - an owl and a pumpkin.  A very October stitch!
Speaking of birds...

I took a walk down the road the other day and came across a small group of wild turkeys.

It looked as though it was composed of a Mama bird and her mostly grown young.

Besides size, the adult birds have redder heads and darker feathers.

I tend to froget, but they also have BIG feet!

They wild turkeys eat lots of seed - here they are working in the tall grass, stripping off the seed heads. 

They clucked and quietly talked to one another.

They are social birds, and are usually in a flock.

I like seeing them, just not in my own backyard!
They can wreck havoc in a garden setting.


Giovanna said...

The owl is so cute - congrats on the finish!

Ann at Beadlework. said...

The wild turkeys make me think of "The Waltons" of all things. I think it's because they went out and shot a turkey each year:-)

Carol said...

Very cute finish, Beth, and what great shots of the turkeys. I loved seeing your close-ups as our turkeys are quite far away and my camera doesn't do well with zooming in...

Danielle A said...

That finish is adorable!!

cucki said...

Sweet stitching xxx

Julianne said...

It's funny to observe how small their heads are in proportion to their body size. I guess I can understand why they are so appealing to game hunters.

Margaret said...

Great stitch! So what do turkeys do to a garden? We used to have some that were around just outside our neighborhood, but that was years ago. We saw a small group of wild turkeys while we were up at our rented house in Maine this year.

Barb said...

What a cute owl and pumpkin. The wild turkeys are so interesting.