December's Blog Header
Full disclosure - This is a header from 2011, as I found that I did not have one single new Christmas stitch from 2016 to share.
Row #1. 'Better Homes & Gardens Cross Stitch and Country Crafts' July/Aug 1995, "Merry Christmas Reindeer", Lizzie Kate, "Joy", Mosey 'n Me, "Just Before the Trip", Lizzie Kate, "Merry Ho Ho".
Row #2. Lizzie Kate, "Do Not Open 'Til Christmas" (kit), Mary Garry, "Christmas Cookies" (colors changed per a conversion by the gals at Shepherd's Bush), Heart in Hand, "Wee Santa 2000".
Row #3. 'Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 2005', Sisters & Best Friends, "On the First Day of Christmas", Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Christmas Cracker" (Blacksheep kit).
Row #4. Bent Creek, "Ho Ho Ho" (kit), Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Ho-Ho-Ho" (2006 cross stitch calendar), Heart in Hand, "Wee Santa 1999".
Row #5. Heart in Hand, "Reindeer Sampler" (kit), Theron Traditions, "Woodland Christmas", Heart in Hand, "Monthly Mania: December", Heart in Hand, "Wee Santa 1997".
I hope this allows you to figure out which pieces you want to add to your "Must Have" list. If you have questions please leave a comment or email me and I'll try my best to answer promptly.
Are you ready to switch gears and look at some woodpeckers?
I've not seen a female Hairy Woodpecker for a while now, but at least one male hangs out at the feeder...
...and on the deer fence.
One gray morning I was pleased to see all three of my Acorn Woodpeckers in the same tree.
Here's a male on a nicer day.
Lots of Flickers including this female...
and two males.
But the BIG woodpecker excitement was the female Pileated who flew in for a bit on Wednesday morning.
Notice the male Acorn Woodpecker below her? He considers this 'his' tree and would not cede any ground to the much larger bird.
Here she is up close. The red atop her head stops at her eye and she does not have a red mustache.
It never ceases to be a thrill to hear and see these wonderful birds.
Your header is wonderful...yes I see lots of stitches I would like to make Beth. And I love, love, love your photos of the woodpecker. I never realized how pretty they are until I started following you. Thank you. RJ
I'm not sure what I like better, the beautiful header or the woodpecker photos!!
Thanks for sharing the details on your headers. Great Christmas stitches. It's always a thrill to see the pileated and you got great captures.
What happened in 2016? I was putting up the tree today, and pulled out some stitched pillows... and in my mind, I knew I had stitched some last year that were not in that group... Well, yeah... I stitched them... but haven't FINISHED them yet! On my list right now!! Great stitches from another year or two... doesn't matter, as long as you like them! So many great woodpeckers! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!
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