Design - "Bloom"
Designer - Sam Sarah
Fabric - Antique Ivory Cork
Fibers -
Started - 29 April 2006
Completed - 6 May 2006

You can read more about my reasons for stitching this design in this post from 2012.
We have more pleasant temperatures, so there's no good reason not to take a walk.
I enjoy all the greens of the mixed forest near the road. It's a combination of Oaks and Ash...and mosses and lichens.
This is Tansy Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) a Eurasian noxious weed toxic to horses and cattle that first appeared in Oregon in 1922. The state has tried for 15 years or more to eradicate it using a caterpillar that munches on it.
Another noxious weed, but one my Shetland pony enjoyed eating and the Goldfinches adore - Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare).
Some of the Douglas Fir cones are dry and ripe. Lots of little birds including Chickadees will be active eating and distributing the seeds.
Here's the pretty fruit of our native Dogwood.
As the Cascara berries ripen I expect to see Cedar Waxwings at work.
I've seen hummingbirds pollinating Teasle; here a large bumblebee takes over the task.
The lead blackberries are now ripe.
Western Serviceberry fruit will turn dark purple when ripe.
The clusters of Big Leaf Maple seeds are ripe.
Baneberry (Actaea rubra) sets white fruit... well as red fruit.
Along with the green berries of False Solomon's Seal, it makes for a pretty trio in shaded areas.
Oops! A quartet not a trio. I can't forget Thimbleberries.
I am enjoying the last of the Ocean Spray blooms.
They have turned from bright white to a mellow cream.
Here's the seeds for next year's crop of Camas.
And look at the fuzzy seeds of the Large Leaved Lupin.
Yarrow is a long bloomer and I am enjoying our new-found patch.
Osoberry or Indian Plums are the first of the wild plants and shrubs to leaf out and bloom; it thus follows that they are the first harbinger of autumn with their yellowing leaves.
Beth, as I did not know you then, I am glad you linked back. I now know what an important stitch that is to you. I love it.
My yarrow is pale pink. ;)
It must be so cool to be able to know what's what when you take a walk. I still marvel at your knowledge of plants and birds. I love thistles -- I think they are so pretty. :D
It's good to look back and take stock in a positive way Beth, I hope you continue to "bloom" for a very long time:-)
I can see why this piece is so special to you, Beth :) It is so pretty and cheery...
Glad your temperatures have cooled off a bit--things continue to be cool and rainy here. BUT, we do have two rain-free days ahead of us--a miracle :)
Beth, what a special and beautiful piece. I love the reference to the Big C becoming a footnote in your life - may it always remain a footnote!
I totally enjoyed today's walk and the beauty you find and share everywhere.
I too liked what you said about being a "footnote" - I hope this provides comfort to others who are going through difficult times facing this disease.
What a lovely cheery stitch! I am glad you share these older finishes for those of us who weren't reading your blog back in 2012!
Thank you for sharing the information about why you stitched that cheerful design. My dearest friend is also a survivor and she feels much the same as you do. Thanks goodness for you both!
I always enjoy taking a walk with you. Now I know the name of the shrub that is getting yellow leaves.
Love the bright cheerfulness of Bloom and what it represents to you! I 'go along' on your walks, and they make me impatient to do my own. But it is 90 degrees out, and with the 60+ % humidity, I stay inside! I get instant headaches when the humidity is over 70! Thanks for taking us on a walk to see the blooms!
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