Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gardening for the Birds

Design - "Summer ABC's" (Snippet)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count White Chocolate Wichelt linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 July 2012
Completed - 22 July 2012

This design takes the cake as being both patriotic and summery too. 

 It's Tuesday and there's a Garden Party at an Oregon Cottage.  Let's go! 

I garden for pleasure and to attract wildlife.  In July the air hums constantly as the Anna and Rufous Hummingbirds buzz from plant to plant.

In my garden, the Salvias and Agastache rule.  They are also hummingbird-magnets.  This grouping includes Agastache 'Mandarin Orange' and Agastache 'Tutti Frutti'

As you can see, the hummingbirds approve! 

I am in love with the velvety blossoms of Salvia paten.  This is "Guanajuato".  I planted it with some Oriental lilies.  I can't wait to see what this looks like when everything is in bloom.

Here's Guanajuato and a hummer. 

Did I mention I love blue?  This Salvia guaranitica 'Black & Blue' successfully over-wintered and is now a very large plant.

Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ attracts other pollinators too.

This bold and bright Salvia is called 'Wendy's Wish'.

It gets the Hummingbird Seal of Approval, as does the Salvia paten in the background 'Cambridge Blue'.

This Salvia paten is called 'Lavender Lady'

This Agastache doesn't have a tag anymore.  It might be 'Acapulco'.

I have it planted with Verbena bonariensis.  I think it is my very favorite plant combination. 

The hummers will work both the Agastache and the tiny, tiny Verbena blossoms.
That's it for today - I hope you enjoyed the garden tour.


Beth said...

The salvia paten is a beautiful color! Love seeing your hummers too.

Tricia said...

I'm always amazed to see how quickly you finish your smalls! I love this one!!

Shari said...

your finish is perfect & oh my...
as usual......I love all of your nature pictures...
we are FINALLY getting some much over due & needed rain here today!!!

WishfulMe said...

Wow! Look at all those adorable humming birds!!! We get buzzed by a few every now and again, but nothing like that. I do have salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ out in our front (mini) flower garden area. Tons of bees around it all the time. It's self seeding and comes back every year for me.

Take care!

Margaret said...

Nice finish! Love seeing the flowers -- and the cute little hummingbirds!

Lisa said...

It's always such fun when the hummingbirds come calling! Beautiful flowers you've got there in your garden. :)

carol fun said...

Beautiful flowers - I know the hummingbirds are loving these. Love the Lizzie Kate alphabet-- cute cute cute!

Anonymous said...

I love having flowers that the hummingbirds like. We have several that they are all over. Unfortunately, that is where my kitties like to hang out too, ever hopeful. We stake up and fence the Crocosmia Lucifer, which is in full bloom right now so the kitties can't get them.

Isn't it fun getting buzzed when you are wearing red or anything else that captures the hummer's eye?

Yael from Home Garden Diggers.

Bianca said...

Great garden tour, so interesting to learn about the flowers, and the colors were so pretty. I just love that cute, little watermelon slice at the bottom of Summer ABCs.

Lisa Lynn said...

Love the hummingbird pictures! They are so fun to watch :)

Sandy said...

I think it's time for me to get a new
camera.. your photos of the hummers are
just wonderful and thank you for your
visit to my blog and for giving me the
names of the flowers that bring those
sweet birds into your garden..

Susan said...

We have flowers and feeders and a fountain and a little pond for the same reason - we just love our birds! Even though they sometimes wreak havoc on the rest of the garden, the sure are a wonderful source of enjoyment, aren't they?!

Maggee said...

Thanks for the education on the many different salvias! And a very cute finish to boot! Hugs!

Barb said...

You photos of the hummingbirds are wonderful. I love the plants. You have given some ideas to add to my garden.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

A hummingbird garden would be fun. I have a red glass plaque in the garden, and the hummingbirds thought it was a feeder, they are very trained to find food where it is "red". Have a nice day.

Pam in IL said...

Hummers, flowers and a super cute finish!

Our hummers are having a rough summer here because it's been so hot and dry. Flowers aren't doing well and what blooms there are have been small and don't last long.

Jami @ An Oregon Cottage said...

I love agastache and salvias and I have the hardest time getting them to overwinter! Do you have any tricks or is your garden more hospitable than mine? :-)