Chart - "Prairie Birds
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Ocean Kiss Wichlet linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 August 2017
Completed - 25 August 2017
I changed the DMC color from 930 to 158. Purple Martins are purple - not blue!

Here's a photo of a couple of Purple Martins taken in July 2016.
I changed the DMC color from 930 to 158. Purple Martins are purple - not blue!
Here's a photo of a couple of Purple Martins taken in July 2016.
Parvati is most active early in the morning.
She keeps me company as I watch birds... this Hermit Thrush.
It still has not vocalized.
And here's the elusive Orange-crowned Warbler.
This bird blends into the canopy and is hard to see.
The flash of bright yellow makes the Wilson's Warbler much easier to see...
...the same goes with the Yellow-breasted Chat.
Though not a showy bird, the Willow Flycatcher is a sweetie.
For several days now, a bird has been active in the morning.
It was actually flycatching - grabbing insects out of the air.
Mighty bird!
As you know, cats do not like to be made fun I've not told Parvati I am posting this photo. Look closely and you can see why I find it so amusing.
Could it be because of the chipmunk right behind?? Oh well, he's living and letting live! We are looking forward to warbler migration again real soon... maybe those will be some of the birds that we get out here! It could happen! Hugs!
Really love the purple martens and the yellow warbler. I agree with your thread change!
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