Design - "Buzz" (kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Verdant over-dyed linen
Fibers - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 June 2015
Completed - 6 June 2015
Love, love, love the bright green linen. I took this on a gardening bus trip Friday and stitched most of it while traveling from nursery to garden to nursery and back home again.
I've been watching the sky!
The evening of June 2nd a lovely large full moon rose up from the east.

And as the moon was rising, the International Space Station flew overhead from the SW to the NW on a long 6 minute arcing journey.
The heat does not bother the tiny hummingbirds. The female Rufous Hummingbirds are suddenly present in the Agastaches...
...and the Salvias.
They look very similar to the Anna's females, but have some brown feathers on their lower back and chest which the Anna's do not have.
I had a couple of them sharing a perch.
My theory is that they have successfully raised their broods are now are 'free' from the constant feeding of baby birds.
Apparently I am incapable of posting without including at least one photo of Cedar Waxwings!
Speaking of perching...this male California Quail found a perfect spot to survey his world from atop a small gate in our flowerbed.
He is quite puffed up and strutting his stuff.
And calling out to all the world that he is a mighty fine fellow.
I saw this bird a couple of days ago and decided it was a flycatcher or some sort. But as it was far away and did not speak, it was hard to pin down an ID. Fortunately, it came back the next day and talked and talked. So with the help of All About Birds, and listening to audio clips of 'typical voices', I was able to figure out that it is a Willow Flycatcher. I learned that flycatcher songs are innate and not learned. If the birds are reared with another species they still sing 'their' species' song.
On the same day, I saw a group of three 'new' birds, but was only able to photograph one. This is a Brown-headed Cowbird. The do not build nests, instead laying up to three dozen eggs in the nests of other birds; expecting foster parents to raise their young; often at the expense of the foster parents' own babies. Interestingly if a Brown-headed Cowbird lays its eggs in the nest of a Willow Flycatcher, the flycatcher then often buries the cowbird eggs in the nest lining, or will even build a completely new nest over the top of the first one outsmarting the Cowbirds!
I always enjoy your bird photos and, of course, your stitching - you are so prolific! And I love the photo of the full moon but what is truly special is that you got a picture of the International,space station. WOW! So amazing - thanks for sharing is with us.
I too am awed by your space station picture.
I never knew there was a bird who outsmarted those cowbirds.
Amazing photos Beth. I was thinking of you today as I have just bought a book about hummingbirds. Wow to your recent blog entry with the trail camera showing the cougars.
The new finish is so darn cute. I love that green linen too!
What a great set of photos in this post. I love seeing the night shots and the hummingbirds are always a treat to see! We haven't seen any around our garden yet. Once our fuchsia blooms then hopefully they will hang out here more.
Great photos my dear...
Beautiful stitch xx
The Willow Flycatcher is one smart bird!! Love the project with the pretty green linen!
Hi Beth! Love the Buzz! I am fascinated by the quail. I haven't seen one other than on your blog and they are so interesting looking. Thanks for the info on the brown cowbird. What an amazing picture of the full moon!
Apparently your new camera is more than awesome, catching that shot of the ISS!! Wow! We enjoyed the full moon out here, also... so gorgeous! I will try that site to ID a bird by a song... been meaning to do that!
I love the BUZZ stitching, and the fabric color is wonderful!!! That is a fun and happy looking piece!
I just am amazed by the international space station photo!!! Never thought you could see it!!!
Of course the birds are lovely and I laughed at the "fluffy" quail!! Isn't he nice and round?!?!
Such a fun stitched piece. Great photos too.
I love the green linen also! The design looks good on that color. That is amazing that you not only got a great moon picture, but also a picture of the international space station! Very impressive. The bird pics are great as well. I love the quail pictures, he's so cute.
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