Design - "May Blooms"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 count French Country Cafe Mocha
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - May 2015
Completed - May 2015
While I am still enjoying some May blooms, It's time for the first June Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog Hop.
This week, I thought I'd take a different approach. Like many who garden, even though I probably have hundreds of plants, there are still more that I lust after long to add to my garden. Here are a few that someday I hope to own:
Image from Wikimedia Commons taken by Flynnbar |
Quercus robur ‘Concordia’ - the Golden Oak. It is a stunningly beautiful tree. While this photo is from a garden in Wiltshire, I've seen it in a Salem, Oregon garden.

Image from Oregon State University Department of Horticulture
Here's Pinus contorta v. latifolia
‘Chief Joseph’. This amazing pine was found in the Wallowa Mountains by a hunter in the fall. The pine is green in the spring and summer, then turns an amazing golden yellow in the fall and winter.
Gele kornoelje 27-08-2005 15.12.06" by TeunSpaans. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
Cornus mas - a dogwood. It is not terribly stunning when it blooms, but I am all about the red fruit that it sets after blooming. I think many of my birds including the Cedar Waxwings would go crazy over this tree as a source of food.

Image from GardenWeb Topics / Garden Forums
I know, I have lots of Salvias, but I need "Amistad'. It is an amazing vibrant purple.

Image from Wikimedia Commons taken by Magnus Manske
The fronds on this fern are reason enough to own it, but then it sends up very cool 'cinnamon sticks' from the center of the fern.

Image from Wikimedia Commons taken by Stan Shebs
I grew Fuchsia 'Splendens' last year and it was one of my very favorite. However, it is a tender fuchsia, and I was not able to over-winter it. I've not been able to find the plant this year, but you know I will be looking for it again in the spring of 2016!
Well the list goes on and on, but you get the idea!
Well I didn't find Fuchsia 'Spendens'...
...but I did find ten more Fuchsias.
I got them all potted up and on the Front Porch.
Some of our prettiest June blooms include this Peony which just started blooming at the end of May...
Victoria Louise
...and this poppy which has been blooming for over a month now!
I had a couple of annual vines that needed something to climb on, so I plopped this tuteur in our Mudroom flowerbed and added a birdhouse. Maybe a Chickadee family will take up residence. Isn't this flowerbed crying out for Salvia 'Amistad'?
I'll end with a photo of the gate to my sister's Dahlia Garden.
The tuteur is awesome! Love!!! I have a much smaller green metal one.
Love,love, love those poppies!!!! What variety are they PLEASE?!?
Your sister's garden gate is just lovely.
Lovely plants and flowers. May blooms finish is also very pretty.
So many pretty plants and trees... they won't all fit, so we have to enjoy many of them at other locations... parks and more. :) I love the blue gate.... so pretty. :)
For plant lovers, there is always one more plant to add! You have picked out some real beauties! I will be looking for that salvia!
What a great wish list Beth! Love the blue gate and your tuteur (new word to me - love it!) with the bird house!I know I have said this before but I love and admire your ability to see beauty everywhere.
Lovely stitching. What gorgeous plants. I am worse than useless at keeping plants alive.
Oh I feel your pain! So many lovelies still to possess. Your garden vignette looks stunning! Thanks for sharing this week on the Maple Hill Hop.
so much to see! A pink Poppy--I WANT!!! Do you just keep an abundance of pots around, or do you buy as you go? And Yes, that corner is really in need of that new purple salvia for sure!
Beautiful plants and flowers. Lovely stitching of May Blooms too.
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