I started one of the four European bird Little Stitcher designs I have. I was going to begin with January's bird, but was missing a DMC color. So I'm starting with February - a European Robin.
Meanwhile, here are some of my early April birds.
A Chestnut-backed Chickadee
I enjoyed watching this Song Sparrow take a bath.
Lots of water droplets and feather fluffing.
Taking a soak.
Poised to jump in...

Shake birdie shake!

Look at the water fly!
Here's a female Lesser Goldfinch.
The Violet-green Swallows continue to check out different nesting boxes (aka birdhouses).
Here's a happy couple.
I think this will be where they nest and raise their family. I'm seeing anywhere from 8-14 birds. I think I've heard Tree Swallows and Purple Martins, but haven't had a confirmed sighting of either species.
How lovely! I guess it's house hunting season again!
Glad the Violet-Green Swallows have decided on housing! I look forward to seeing your bird stitch.
I saw a Chickadee going in and out of a hole in a dead tree in the State Park today... think I got great pictures. Here are home I am not so lucky in getting pictures! I LOVE European Robins!! They are so much more different than ours out here! Petite for one thing! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!
Oh my gosh, those bird bath pictures are priceless!
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