Design - "Sassy Feline"
Designer - Homespun Elegance
Fiber - WDW & DMC
Fabric - 28 count R & R Cafe Kona linen
Started - 14 April 2010
Completed - 15 April 2010
This chart came with a small frame - so for stitchers like me (finished impaired) - it's a great solution - instantly ready for display! I'm really pleased with the finished product - very much like the colors and the unusual style. It reminds me of a small rag rug.
And now that I've revisited this stitch from 2010, I realize that the "Sassy Cat" I was going to stitch next is something I've already done. The designer re-released it (it was formerly at kit) changing the count of the linen and the border the littlest bit. Humph is what I say.
On to the birds...
Look it's a Bewick's Wren!
This is my first sighting of this bird this year.
Here's a good look at the wren's tail.
The wren makes a rather mechanical sound.
Classic wren pose!
I've been calling this a Scrub Jay. It just got renamed - now it's a California Scrub Jay.

I'm seeing House Finches once again.
And Purple Finches too.
I got to see my Yellow-breasted Chat again.
I'm seeing more Cedar Waxwings.
They are gathering in larger numbers now.
This might be my last sighting of a Willow Flycatcher.
Such a sweet little bird.
Here's looking at you!
Please come back next year!
Such a sweet little finish. The frame looks great with it.
How cute that looks all framed up, Beth! Too funny about having already stitched something, but I can relate--that is why I rely on my blog so much :)
Sassy Cat is sooo cute! I just love wrens.
Nice little finish there! OOPs about the repeat design... Love seeing your variety of birds. That wren looks so much like our Carolina wren, but I can see that the feathers and back differ. So they have renamed a jay? First I heard of that... tho today I read a piece that they are considering splitting apart the Yellow-rumped variations. Hugs!
Lovely cat. And so many birds; ours are starting to leave for warmer southern areas. But I still spy a Phoebe or two. You are lucky to get a photo of the Bewick wren.
Beautiful finish.
Oh dear ... well, having picked it to stitch next says you must still like it! Have done the same thing myself, though it usually happens with books. IT looks great in that neat little frame.
Bird pictures are soothing and lovely!
What a great little finish and the frame is just perfect ! I love seeing the wren.
Lovely bird pictures and the little cat cross stitch is adorable!
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