Design - "Baubles - August"
Designer - Sam Sarah Design Studio
Fabric -28 count Zweigart Newport natural / cream linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 2 September 2016
Completed -5 September 2016
The fish buttons remind me of a couple of large fat pink plastic bubble blowing fish my grandmother had on the wall of her bathroom. Anyone else remember those?
Let's take a look at my Woodpecker World this past week.
No sign of any Downy Woodpeckers, but a female Hairy has been semi-regular. She works on trees...

...and also comes to the back feeders.
My Acorn Woodpeckers are more in evidence as of late.
Here's the male...
...and the female.
They spent Wednesday afternoon hanging out together.
Just the two of them. I am starting to wonder if they did not successfully raise a family this year as there's been no sign of fledged birds.
A young Acorn has blue eyes, while mature birds have pink eyes.
The Flickers have been talking and squawking in the trees, but have not been visiting the feeders much.
Thrillingly, a female Pileated Woodpecker came by this week.
She chose a tree quite close to the house... I was able to click off some nice shots.
She's a young bird - she has teenaged bed-head!
Oh, I do like that cross stitch! So pretty.
Fantastic stitchy finish
Very pretty stitch
What a cute stitched piece. Those fish buttons really finish the design!
That is a cute little finish... the fish buttons make it! I actually went out Tuesday, looking for woodpeckers at a local Natural Area... no luck. Heard a Red-bellied... that was it! Nothing much out there... oh well... I may go out tomorrow morning, see what I can see... Hugs!
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