Sunday, February 14, 2016

Quiet Sunday

We had a lovely sunrise the other day.

And we had a bobcat stroll down the driveway Friday morning!

Say alert bunny!

You too!

Aren't you a cutie?

I like the feet straddling the two logs.

Good table manners!

Some one has chucker cheeks!

This guys looks as though he has been in a scuffle!

Suck tiny little hands.

Eat up!


Margaret said...

Yikes on the bobcat! I hope all the animals and birds stay safe!

Vickie said...

I agree, yikes! The chippies are so cute. Are you able to get close for those pictures?

Pondside said...

The wee creatures must be used to you, as it is hard to get a shot at them when they scurry away so quickly.
A bobcat in the driveway? NO thanks!

cucki said...

Aww I love them x

Wanda said...

Hi Beth, We were on vacation and my friend stayed at our place with the cats and she said we had some mild temperatures and the chipmunks were out! I didn't get to see them (it's been freezing since we returned) but I can hardly wait for them to come back out. Your pictures are great!

Le trame della Galaverna said...

Wonderful photos
I wish you a great start of week

Barb said...

What a beautiful sunrise! Not so good about the bobcat!