Design - "Black-capped Chickadee Chirp" (kit)
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 May 2015
Completed - 21 May 2015
Ironically, I'm not seeing many Chickadees at the feeders. I think they are nesting and raising families. They feed their young insects rather than seeds, so no need to frequent my feeders.
With the holiday weekend, Tuesday has come around even faster than usual.
I spent lots of time buying plants...
...and even more time planting plants, so I've lots to share with the Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog Hop.
I'll start with a quick survey of the Back Patio.
My red-necked plant stand is perfect for succulents.
It will quickly become apparent that I love sedums and succulents.
Tom-Cat like them too!
My mother and I are amassing an ever-growing (pun!) collection of Agaves and Lewisias.
Solomon is partial to Lewisias!
We have some Dianthus in pots in the full sun.

I 'themed up' these pots - all the flowers are in shades of orange. The Mimulus on the far right is going crazy with blooms.
Also in the full sun pots of Agastaches and Salvia.
Pansies and Fuchsias are tucked back in a shaded nook.
I have four or five Cuphea - cigar plants - the hummingbirds love 'em!
Now let's walk around to the Front Porch...ignoring the weed-infested flowerbed. That is a project for another day!
Orange again - two large clay pots on the steps up to the Front Porch.
Here's a few of the long side of the porch. It gets some morning sun, but is otherwise shaded.
So it is perfect for Hostas and Coleus.
And Begonias.
More Fuchsias...
...and still more Fuchsias.
Here's the short side of the porch. It does get a bit of late afternoon sun.
I have lots and lots and lots of Hostas and lots of ferns.
And still more Begonias.
I do not have much left to plant..truly. If I'd only stop buying plants and get all caught up. I still need to set out all my Garden Art - wind chimes, watering cans, and the like. Then I'll tackle the weedy flowerbed!
We call this the Mudroom Flowerbed as the back side with windows is the Mudroom. Thanks to my sister's considerable efforts it is weed-free and looknig good. The earliest of Salvias are in bloom as is the pretty Penstemon "Electric Blue". Soon the larger Salvias will be in bloom and then the flowerbed will be the scene of ongoing Hummingbird Territorial Wars!
That's it for this week. I'm tired and you probably are too.
I love seeing your pretty plants. Always so impressive how wonderfully tended everything is. Beautiful! A joy for a non-gardener. Vicarious gardening? lol!
Lovely post Beth, great to see the puss cats relaxing outside. I hope they are all keeping okay.
Love you pots, your garden and those lovely cats.
Beth, planting pots is very addictive! I saw a gorgeous agave but was hesitant to buy with my outside cats. The spikes were huge. I remember from my childhood my mom loved agaves but she always cut the spikes.
My dianthus are done... have to get replacement flowers! You have oodles and oodles of plants... wow!
Oh, I love the array of oranges and blues in your "pot" garden. You've certainly been busy. It's always good to see your outdoor posts on The Maple Hill Hop! Enjoy your week.
That mudroom garden is just so pretty. As usual, I love seeing all your plants. I know what you mean, I just keep buying! Too many pretty plants!
I am loving all of your plants. Every plant I seem to own ends up dying pretty quickly so I prefer to look at other peoples wonderful gardens. Yours is amazing, it must take quite a bit of time and effort to keep it looking so pretty.
You have a wonderful mix of planters. I really enjoyed seeing the combination of succulents. I keep seeing them everywhere online and I think I might have to see what I can come up with too.
Hope you enjoy a great day.
Carole @ Garden Up Green
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