I've interrupted my Bird Stitching Program to toss in this sweet little ode to May Flowers.
We usually take a walk on Wednesday. This Wednesday let's do something a bit different and go on a bird walk.
It's 7:00am, early I know, but that's the best time to hear and see the dawn chorus birds. We're atop Skinner's Butte looking south across the city (Eugene) toward Skinner's Butte which has its head in the clouds.
A couple of employees from our local bird supplies store, Wild Birds Unlimited led a small group on a two hour walk. We started out by watching a Brown Creeper flit in and out from its heart-shaped nest under the bark of this tree.
There were lots of Anna's Hummingbirds.
And a couple of Flycatchers. I'm not sure exactly who this might be.
And this walk is not exclusively about birds!
This vine grows like crazy and produces gourd-type fruit.
Here's the backside of a Warbler - either a Yellow Warbler or a Wilson's Warbler.
The hillside is loaded with Osoberries or Indian Plums.
And where there are ripe berries, there are large groups of Cedar Waxwings!
They are one bird I cannot get enough of!
I figure you can't get bored looking at these distinctive birds.
Here's a bush of ripe Osoberries...
...and no surprise there's a Cedar Waxwing too!
Another Anna's Hummingbird.
I was super pleased to get a couple of good looks at a Lazuli Bunting.
The male has a wonderfully blue head and back.
And he was singing away. Looking for a female I suppose.
We saw several American Goldfinches too.

But the big draw, literally and figuratively, was the Bald Eagles' nest with two large chick and an adult Bald Eagle standing guard overhead.
The chicks were laying flat on the nest. If you look closely or 'inbigin' the photo, yo can see the head and beak of one bird facing to the right.
A magnificent adult!
Now the chick in the back is up a bit and facing the camera.
Back to the adult.
Both chicks with their head up. Waiting for breakfast!
The Willamette River is not far away from the nest as an eagle flies.
After watching the eagles, we continued on past cascades of Ocean Spray just beginning to set blossoms.
We were rewarded the a male Western Tanager.
It's a pretty bright yellow bird with black wings and a red head.
Not the best photo, but you get the idea.
Mr. Towhee says, "Skinner's Butte is a great place to bird all year long. Come back again soon!"
A great bird walk Beth - I love the waxwings too and I'm glad you had already seen the post that I mentioned.
Thanks for taking us along. The eagles are sooooooooooo awesome!
I love seeing all the birds. The eagles are my favourite! We see them flying overhead sometimes!
What an amazing variety of wonderful birds. Well worth the early wake up call! The bird with the blue is beautiful and of course, I never tire of seeing an eagle. What a special thrill to see the nest.
Great stitching. So many stunning birds and squirrel must have made for a very exciting walk! Thanks so much for sharing.
What a great walk! How cool to see those eagles and their babies in the nest! Love the variety of birds you saw!
What a great experience for birding! And you saw quite a few 'new' ones too... I saw an Eastern Towhee last week... got pictures, will blog later... I wish I would see that many interesting birds!
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