As will all the birds...

Guess who is back.
The Starlings are back and are pestering the Acorn Woodpeckers at their granary tree.
Also back are the Band-tailed Pigeons. I think the flock which was down to 2-4 birds has grown to over 20 once again. The Band-tails will leave the area as winter approaches. I'm afraid I'll be stuck with the Starlings all winter long.
On a happier note, I did see not one, but two White-chested Nuthatches.
They clamber about the Douglas Fir trees non-stop and because of that, are hard to photograph.
And isn't this a sweet little bird. I think it is a Song Sparrow.
Here's a couple of more Sparrows of some sort.
And yes, the Sharp-shined Hawk makes a couple of forays past my bird feeders each day.
A Rufous Hummingbird perched on our hammock.
It gave her instant access to a large Salvia I have planted in a pot nearby.
So much for hummingbirds preferring red blooms.
The birds go gaga over this deep blue.
I truly enjoy watching nuthatches.
Wow! The 90's. It will be 57º here today. We have definitely begun fall weather here. It has been 40º at night for a few nights now.
Sweet *.*
Can't believe how hot you are still! It's feeling like fall around here. I'm not ready for the coolness. Great bird pics as always!
I hope you enjoyed the game, I haven't heard the score. I love the little nuthatches, I have only seen the rosy -breast variety.
Our hummers like the blue flowers too. Where do the Starlings go? I've been told we have them all year, but I really only see them during the winter.
Can you please send your hot temps to me? We've had to turn the furnace on and I don't ever remember doing that in September. We've had a couple of nights with temps around 37 and daytime temps in the mid 50's.
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