Monday, September 22, 2014

An Orange Tiger and an Ear-Full of Birds

Design - "Fat Cat"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 32 count raw linen
Fibers - Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 September 2014
Completed - 20 September 2014

Well this was just good fun to stitch.  I am totally charmed by the rotund orange tiger-cat.  The "c" and "a" and "t" in the alphabet stand out in dark pink.  I changed the color of the cat's tail and added a white tip. 

Tom-Cat gave the stitch and color changes Two Paws Up!

And now it's time for a Bird Update. 

The Cedar Waxwings arrived back on the 7th of September.  

The 'ear-full' peaked on Wednesday the 17th with over 80 birds.
I just read that a group of Waxwings is called a museum or an ear-full! 
With their high pitched buzzing "zeet" call, I vote for ear-full.

Now I am seeing only 6-8 birds at a time.

They've come a bit closer much to the dismay of the Acorn Woodpeckers.

This photo does a good job of showing the comparative sizes of the two birds. 

Now when I see a Sapsucker, I usually see more than one!

See!  I'm not sure what the one on the left has in his bill, but the other bird is most interested. 

Once again two Sapsuckers working away in tandem.

I do love their bright red heads.

And after going most of the summer without a glimpse of a Great Heron, one flew low over the tree tops last week.


Danielle A said...

Awe, I love kitties and that's a cute and quick stitch!

Vickie said...

hahaha! I agree with Tom-Cat. I love it! So adorable Beth. =)

cucki said...

Sweet stitch :)
Lovely photos x

Frances said...

Tom-cat in stitches!! Too, too cute!! I love it! (I think those little claws might be the cutest of all!!)

Melissa said...

I LOVE your latest finish. That is the cutest. I've never seen it before. That cat is purrr-fect!

Margaret said...

I've never seen that design before -- love the finish! Very funny that a group of waxwings is called an earful! Sounds like it's appropriate! The museum name is weird. lol! Lovely pics -- I love seeing the relative sizes of the Acorn Woodpecker and the waxwings. You always take great pics!

Barb said...

A fun cat stitch and you did a great job of making it personal! I just can't believe all the cedar waxwings! Also wonderful woodpecker photos!

Maggee said...

Really cute cat finish! Love Ewe and I patterns--I have a bunch languishing in my box... All those Cedar Waxwings! You have definitely exceeded records for sightings I bet!

Melanie said...

LOVE HIM!!! :)

Melody said...

What a cute cat! I don't think I've seen this chart before. Who thinks of these names for bird groups? Too funny.