Sunday, December 17, 2023

Not Hibernating Quite Yet

So Saturday the 9th I woke up...

...and this is what I saw.

Starting the 1st of the month I'd been leaving my feeders out all night. 

And boom...there's still at least one active bear.

I found all the feeders and was able to reassemble them.
I only lost one plastic weather dome to the incursion. 
So I'm back taking the feeders in at night. I'll try again later in the month and hope that the urge to hibernate has kicked in. 

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Before even reading, I knew the bear was still hanging around for free meals. Glad your feeders were able to be reassembled, Beth! We haven't started feeding the birds yet because the neighbor is still seeing bears on their cameras. Happy Monday!