Design - "Wave"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 30 count linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 July 2014
Completed - 13 July 2014
I usually get bored become impatient while stitching an alphabet, mentally counting, "Okay we're at 'M' - half way done now - 13 more to go!" This however, was a fast and fun alphabet, circling around the chart. Notice the letter 'O' is a taupe button.
I've been focusing on baby birds lately. So here's what else I've seen.
I showed one photo of this doe resting in a flowerbed.
While she noticed me looking out the window at her, she did not appear particularly disturbed. Last night she bedded down in the backyard at the edge of the berm.
While this is consider the very epitome of handsome in a male House Finch...
sometimes the males Finches sport unusual colors. This one is a lovely yellow instead of red. Unfortunately he is far less likely to attract a mate.
We had three or four Crows hanging out for a couple of days.
As the Starlings have disappeared (*cheering*), I've put the suet feeders back out and the Acorn Woodpeckers and Flickers are pleased.
I still have lots and lots of Band-tailed Pigeons.
This male Flicker was working in the early morning sunshine.

And is this not a lovely bird? It's a male Western Tanager. I've seen it now on two occasions. The 2nd time my Mom got to see it as well. I was not able to take a photo as the bird did not stay still - in fact it fought with a Black-headed Grosbeak! This is a shareable creative commons photo from Wikimedia Commons.
Yesterday was only 84f and so much more pleasant!
One year ago today Mom and I visited Hever Castle.
Love your latest finish.
Wow what a wonderful array of birds and that doe is so sweet.
Nice finish. I liked your doe pictures.
Wow, that tanager is a beauty! Never seen such a bird before! Nice finish! Fun that the doe has settled down in your yard.
Our temps are in going to be in the mid 80's this weekend but with a chance of rain and storms... I went in the garden at dusk to do some 'trapping' for bugs and have 14 mosquito bites! I swell, so it's not pretty! Love the tanager picture-glad you got to see one! Wave is one of the BC I always mean to get... I like it! Hugs!
A wonderful finish. Love the photo of the doe, at peace with the world.
Wow, that Western Tanager is incredible! How lucky to be able to see it not once, but twice!!
Love your newest finish, too. I love stitching alphabets for some reason--must be the librarian in me :)
The fawn is so cute. I could watch deer all day long.
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