Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Time for an Autumn Stitch

Next up an autumn themed stitch - it has leaves and pumpkins and an owl - perfect!

Not much in the way of birds to share today.
I think my Rufous Hummingbirds have left, but thankfully the Anna's will remain. 

Here are a couple of Anna's sharing a treetop...

...but not entirely happily!


Robin in Virginia said...

Lovely fall stitch choice, Beth!

Darlene S said...

You made me curious....how can you tell your Anna's isn't happy?

BTW - We returned home late Thursday. I put out my feeders this weekend and on Monday had quite a few visitors, although they seem to be a bit shy with getting a drink at the feeder. A few are in protector mode defending their territory around the feeder. Fortunately, my yard has plenty of plants that the hummers love so they were well fed even when we were away.