Thursday, September 17, 2020

Recent Purchases

It has been months since I last purchased any new charts.  Now I have lots of fun new charts to sort through and play with and maybe even stitch! 

The Acorn Woodpeckers have moved from the feeders in the front of the house... the feeders in the back of the house.

I put out a feeder full of acorns, but they are ignoring that in favor of the peanut feeder.

As best I can tell after having had two males and a female, I now have two females and a male.
There's an interesting new article about Acorn Woodpecker territorial battles.  The birds are like the Romans watching Gladiators battle.  You can read about it here

I hadn't seen any Flickers for a few days... was pleased to have a female stop by. 

Diane from North Carolina asked about feeding suet when the temperatures are hot.  I was not able to reply to her directly, but though others might also be interested in the answer / solution.  I do present suet all year long even in the summer when the temperatures are over 90f. How am I able to do that when the main ingredient of suet is rendered beef fat?  

In the summer I use "No Melt" suet. The amount of fat (suet) is much lower so it does not easily melt.  I have shown an example from Wild Birds Unlimited where I work, but if you Google No Melt suet there are lots of options about where to buy it - it certainly is worth a try in hot weather.  I have found in the summer that suet is still a very popular food item - as soon as the woodpeckers fledge, the parents bring the youngsters to my suet feeders so that they learn there is an 'easy' source of food.


LDR said...

Hi Beth, lovely bird photos. Fingers crossed for rain! We had haze here in DC for the last two days as the smoke made its way over to the East Coast. I like your new cross stitch charts. Stitching has helped me cope during these difficult times.

MaryO said...

Hope rain is on the way. Terribly smoky here yesterday, woke up with a headache and my eyes felt like they had grown hair. It was like that all day. Seems a little better today and we're supposed to get relief by the weekend. Love the new patterns and bird pics...

Diane Gill said...

Beth, thank you for responding to my question about suet. I plan to buy some this weekend. I love reading your blog and seeing all the beautiful birds.