Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wednesday's Walk Around the House

Not much energy today, so a stroll around the house... 

The Douglas fir trees are getting so tall, it's hard for me to see this Red Elderberry.

Most of the blossoms have gone to seed, but this one is lagging behind.

The roses are earning their keep.

The second flush is worth enjoying.

Fewer blooms and those are smaller, but still very pretty.

My all time favorite lily.

This clematis is small, but the periwinkle blossoms are exquisite. 

In July and August the Rudbeckia come up in full force.

And a small low growing plant that the hummingbirds love!

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

The walk around your house looks fabulous, Beth. What a wonderful assortment of blooms!