Monday, October 12, 2020

Ready for a New Start


It's October and at night I'm hearing Great-horned Owls and Western Screech Owls.  Time to stitch a few owls.  

I heard this guy 'barking', then looked up and found a Great Blue Heron flying overhead.

There's still a pretty good group of American Goldfinches at the feeder.

Just the littlest bit of yellow at the throat.

Otherwise they're mostly taupe and black.

And I'm pleased to see a few Lesser Goldfinches in the mix.
The males stay bright yellow all year long.

I'm now seeing Juncos in good numbers.

And I had another sighting of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

This fellow stayed put for a couple of minutes.

I also saw a Golden-crowned Kinglet as it flitted about through my binoculars, but was not able to get a photo.

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Looking forward to seeing your owl stitch, Beth! What a lovely assortment of birds still gathering around your feeders.