Design - "Snow Gazer" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Clay Belfast
Fibers - GAST
Started - 21 December 2010
Completed - 24 December 2010
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Clay Belfast
Fibers - GAST
Started - 21 December 2010
Completed - 24 December 2010
Snowball fight anyone?
The woodpeckers have felt a bit left out with all my focus on the
Yellow-rumped Warbler this month.
So as a reward for my inattention, when I did look out and up Monday afternoon, it was to see a Red-breasted Sapsucker at work.
Here's a closer look...
...and closer still.
I think the bird is watching me watch it.
Pretty obvious as to why it is named Red-breasted.
Sapsucker are the one area woodpecker where the males and females look the same.
Carry on!
The male Hairy continues to show up.
I spied a male Acorn Woodpecker on a young pine tree.
He was there for a while before flying to the peanut feeder.

Here he is! I did see the female Acorn Woodpecker, but did not manage any photos of her.
And I'll end with a photo of a fat male Northern Flicker.
The Downy Woodpeckers and Pileated Woodpeckers were AWOL.
We have had 2 Pileated Woodpeckers hanging around here over the past 3-4 days along with a good-sized hawk. You always seem to capture their expressions with your camera's lens, Beth.
I do enjoy woodpeckers. Such a variety! They are such pretty birds.
Snow Gazer is so cute. I love seeing all your woodpeckers!
Snow Gazer is adorable...have you ever clipped these little stitches on those small colorful clipboards to display them?
All these woodpeckers are helping me with my id of them...I've been seeing more variety at my feeders and I refer back to your photos. Have a great birding weekend. Mary
I always love seeing your woodpecker photos and the Red-breasted sapsucker is stunning! Wow--that red really pops!
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