Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Off We Go Stitching Away

I like the bright colors used in "Snow Friends" and also the friends - cardinals, an owl, and a bunny.  

With mild weather back in force, the squirrels are out and about. I had three gray squirrels down at the big bird feeder yesterday. 

And a couple of Chubby Chipmunks too. Look the cheek pouches!

Bright healthy eyes too.

This guy has a notch in his left ear. Wonder how that happened.

The chipmunks have it tough as the gray squirrels and the jays push them around. 

They do have that 'terminally cute' thing going for them!


Cindy's Stitching said...

I have done this piece. You will love this snowman. Great colors in this piece.

Carol said...

Those chipmunks are the cutest!! And what a darling new start, Beth...

Vickie said...

Wow! The chippies are out again? It is mild by you. They are adorable, aren't they?

Sally said...

Love the cute snowman. I loved stitching those and keep thinking I should do the belles too!

Lovely photos of the squirrels and chipmunks.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

The snowman is very apt for us at the moment. The chipmunks are really cute as you say - squirrels can be very pushy. The ones that visit our garden even push the crows around.


Would you believe that I just got the fabric, and some of the threads ready this morning to work on this same snowman!!!
I just finished a snowpeople one last night--!!
and was trying to decide whether to work on a 'wip' or start a new one--
new one won!!!
Smiles, di and miss gracie

Barb said...

A great start and really cute chipmunk photos.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Even though they are digging up my garden, they are cute... :)
I love the snowman!

Wanda said...

Beth, the chippies were a sight for sore eyes! I can't wait for the spring and for them to return! We do have lots of red, black and gray squirrels but no chipmunks this time of year.
Love those fat men!

Margaret said...

I do love chipmunks. They are so cute. Glad they are out and about!

Danielle A said...

Cute Lizzie Kate and cute squirrels!

Maggee said...

I have really missed seeing a lot of charts come out... never knew of this one. It is really cute! Love the chipmunks...

Andrea said...

Wonderful stitching. Yeah for the chipmunks!