Saturday, January 10, 2015

Creating Color on a Gray Day

I decided to battled the Foggy Blahs yesterday by going outside.
I was rewarded with a pop of color from this witch hazel.

I'd purchased some primroses and pansies and violas just before Christmas.
 They were all still in good shape, so I spent the morning getting them planted.  

Three primroses on the top shelf.
Three auriculas on the bottom shelf.
Auriculas are fussy and and often expensive.  These were on sale, so I decided to see if I could keep them happy enough that they'd bloom.

How can your spirits not be uplifted with a pop of color?

This group was ready to go.

Into the garden cart.

And on to the picnic benches on the front porch.
As the plants are small and young, I don't have much color yet.

But that will come.

I just have to remember to water them once in a while.

They'll provide me with another reason to be outside. 

I hope the weather allows you to be outside this weekend.


Vickie said...

ooOoo! You know I like this. ;)
Um,nope. Not going to hang outside. It is currently -4º.
Would you be able to see the Ice Bowl II tomorrow? It should be cold and good!

Angie said...

Beth, lovely colors! Exactly what I needed on this 0 wake up. It has been cold here in Kentucky country. We've had mornings with -16 wind chill this week.

Cindy's Stitching said...

So pretty. How nice they wil be.

craftingpaws said...

Lovely flowers!
It's so nice to see pretty colors, especially when you are surrounded by nothing but white and grey.

Barbi said...

I am so jealous, we here in Calgary are still in the depths of winter and can't even begin to think about potting out until at least May! Your flowers are going to be so lovely.

Mary said...

Primroses in January, what a treat. Here they are months away from popping their little heads up. My color this time of year are or is? amaryllis. Late for Christmas but better being the only color now. I will be bundling up and going for a walk, they say it might be 25 degrees but the sun is shining.

Justine said...

What beautiful flowers - and the promise of more to come! I am really unskilled at gardening but would like to learn more.

Margaret said...

lol! I envy you being outside. It's too cold here! Warmer than it was but still cold. I had no idea witch hazel looked like that. So cool!

Frances said...

All of your flowers/gardening are so lovely, but that witch hazel is really wonderful! I love "different" looking things!!! So pretty!
(PS--I have hopefully fixed my no reply status!! grrrrr!)

Barb said...

I had a similar surprise the other day. We went for a yard walk and saw the witch hazel in bloom. I love the red one, mine is yellow. We stood out there and picked off the dead leaves so it would be pretty.

Maggee said...

No lovely pops of color around here...except for the birds!! coming soon to my blog!

Melody said...

How nice that you can begin putting plants out. It's unthinkable here yet. I will just enjoy yours... :-)

Melanie said...

I just bought a couple primroses on sale this week. Will be staying strictly indoors though. They are a nice happy flower to have indoors. Goes nicely with my African violets and occasionally blooming Xmas cactus. :)

Melanie said...

I just bought a couple primroses on sale this week. Will be staying strictly indoors though. They are a nice happy flower to have indoors. Goes nicely with my African violets and occasionally blooming Xmas cactus. :)