Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Game of Chicken

Design - "A Year in Chalk - February"
Designer - Hands on Design
Fabric - 30 count WDW Gunmetal linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 24 February 2018
Finished - 28 February 2018

A small Sharp-shinned Hawk and a big Western Gray Squirrel had a stand-off.

The squirrel pretty much ignored the little hawk.

The hawk continued to look about for small song birds.
To the right...

...and to the left.

The squirrel was desperate to eat the sunflower seeds in the green tray feeder.

Hunger won and he ran off the hawk.

The Sharpie moved off to another shepherd's hook to hunt there.


Robin in Virginia said...

Pretty Valentine piece, Beth! Glad the squirrel won the stand-off.

Darlene S said...

Beautiful hawk. Very smart squirrel. What fun entertainment.