Sunday, June 16, 2019

Sunday's Hummers

I am seeing a few more hummers - but still not the numbers or activity I would expect to have.

I did have a female Anna's come by.

She has two small white feathers on her breast in disarray.

And lots of yellow pollen on her beak. 

I've also see a male Annas, and a couple of male Rufous.

The two male Rufous win hands down for being present most often.

They rarely sit for long.

So a series of three photos... a gift.


Robin in Virginia said...

Lovely hummers! We have seen an increase in our hummingbird activity. Of course, that means the husband has added another feeder to the mix. Enjoy your day, beth!

Rhodesia said...

Wish we had them here!! Take care Diane