This stitch will be part of my post-election recovery process. I certainly still have much to be thankful and grateful for. Among other things I am grateful to all of you who read this blog. I am still gob-smacked that anyone other than my parents and sister would take the time to read it. Your comments are so positive and thoughtful. You all rock!
So in return I will share a lovely sunrise...
...and a rainbow - a sign of hope.

Song Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow.
This was exciting as it was my first sighting of the bird this season (and so far my only sighting).
House Sparrow
Steller's Jay
California Scrub Jay
American Robin
California Quail
This is a great pattern. I love the rainbow.
Fabulous sunrise and rainbow, love the bird photos, and you are off to a good start on the Hands On Design piece. Enjoy your day, Beth!
I hope the stitching helps. Your photos are always beautiful. I am looking forward to some therapeutic stitching today as well.
Are you kidding? This blog is a welcome respite and I thank you for it!
I came here for the stitching, but I have learned so much about birds from you. I'm on the east coast and live in the city, so I've never seen a Stellar's Jay or a California quail. I think if I had more access to the outdoors and were a little bit more patient, I think I'd become a birder myself. (I have been lucky enough to see white egrets, cormorants, and even a great blue heron recently. Stunning animals!)
Wow! Beautiful shots of the sunrise AND the rainbow!! I haven't had many birds at my feeders this year, don't know exactly why! I am sure weather is playing a large part in it. But I will do it... Hugs!
I always enjoy seeing your wonderful bird posts!! The rainbow is very hopeful. I have friends that backed both candidates. I have left politics out of conversations. I have been truly shocked at how ugly some of the comments have been especially on Facebook. I wonder why people feel it is ok to be so ugly on that medium. I am thinking of getting rid of it.
I love your blog! I read it faithfully, you are one of my online friends. Your blog talks about two of my favorite things, cross stitch and birds! Not to mention I love cats and gardening. We are the ones who should be grateful for you.
Connie Erikson
Bay City, Michigan
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