Wednesday, November 2, 2016

An Early November Walk

Rainfall chart from Eugene Register Guard 

We had the second wettest October in 124 years!  
November is starting off a bit drier, so let's go take a walk.

The mornings still begin gray and foggy.

The Oregon White Oaks have lost their leaves.

Musty, musky oaks leaves - that's an autumnal smell to me.

The contrast of a Cottonwood and Douglas fir trees. 

Cottonwood and blue sky.

Big Leaf Maple.

Big Leaf Maple leaves.

The wild Nootka roses were extremely floriferous this year... we have an amazing crop of rose hips.

The roadside verge is a blaze of red.

I should make jam...or tea!

I like the wild exuberance of them. 

Purpley-pinky red to orange red. 

And let's not forget the red of the Hawthorn.

There are still lots of berries on the trees.

The Cedar Waxwings will gobble them up.

As I mentioned at the start of this post we have a very rainy October.  It was also quite windy.  With that combination, we lost a small oak tree down at the edge of the road.

But  the good news is that all three of our seasonal creeks are up and running a month earlier than usual.

But by mid-afternoon the weather clears and the setting sun can hit the hilltops before it disappears. 
I hope you enjoyed this week's walk.


Summer said...

Beautiful snippets♥

Karen said...

Lovely pictures! Send some of that rain eastward. We are really dry here in Virginia.

Barb said...

Our weather is so similar but so far we don't get the nice afternoon sun, just rain and more rain. I love the pictures of the fog in the woods and the rose hips.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

My favourite rose hips. My mum used to give me rose hip syrup when I was a young child.
I love your new blog header Beth, very neat.

Le trame della Galaverna said...

Very wonderful photos.

deb said...

You make jam out of rose hips? Cool! Your fall beauty walk was delightful - thanks!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Love your photos as always. Too bad you couldn't share some of that rain with our California friends who are still too dry. Ahh, nature.

Janet said...

Beautiful! I have never seen Rose Hip. Thank you for sharing your photography skills and nature. Love it! :) Happy Thanksgiving.

Maggee said...

Ahhhh... very relaxing to take a walk in your woods! All those gorgeous colors that blend so well together, and I can imagine the smells of Autumn's nature! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!