Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles
Blog Header for the second half of April
Row #1: The Primitive Hare, "Ostara"; The Prairie Schooler, "Woodland Sampling" - "Rabbit"; The Cricket Collection, "Letters Part 3" - "Ribbony Rabbit".
Row #2: The Prairie Schooler, "A Prairie Year" - "April Rabbit"; Mosey 'n Me, "Hares Another Rabbit"; The Prairie Schooler, "April" - "April Rabbit"; JBW Designs, "The Bunny Collection" - "Striped Flowered Bunny".
I decided since Easter was so early in the month, to switch out the blog header midway through April.
Most sunny days there are at least 10 Violet-green Swallows flying around and checking out the available bird houses.
I'd noticed that a couple of the bird houses were not getting any takers. When I looked at them more closely, the entrance holes were smaller. So we took the houses down and drilled the holes to be 11/2 inches and immediately we had avian interest!
I am seeing more House Finches.
The males are every shade of orange and red imaginable.
Most days I see and hear a Sapsucker. I've lowered the domes over the feeder in the backyard in an effort to keep out the Band-tailed Pigeons. It means that I have lower quality photos of the mid-sized birds, but it is worth it to keep out the pigeons.
Il tuo header è bellissimo!
I love all the precious little rabbits! I've actually stitched one of those Prairie Schoolers--they are so much fun to stitch.
You are smart to make those entrance holes larger!! I think I've already posted that I have a sweet birdhouse on my patio and a fat squirrel went out there and chewed around all the holes (it's a three-story condo!!) and ruined it!! Yours is much neater! HA
I love your new blog header - so wonderful and spring-y! Literally!
How lucky the birds are around your house. We ended up replacing that woodpecker-enlarged birdhouse so now we hope we will get nesting chicadees again ...soon hopefully.
Love your headers!
Love your headers!
I think all our birds have nests around the neighborhood. My neighbor has a couple of houses but haven't seen any activities. Our house finches made a nest in the crook of our downspout, and did I just hear babies chirping yesterday?? The pesky grackles and starlings have REALLY quit coming around--and starting Tuesday, a neighbor is having 7 huge pine trees taken out from his yard across the street from me, where they roost... Will be interesting to watch. I only have about two bunny stitches so far... I get sidetracked so easily!
Love the new header -- good to let the bunnies have their turn. Very well worth lowering that thingie on the feeders -- don't want those pesky pigeons! Also very interesting on making the entrances to the birdhouses bigger. Who knew?
A great new header!
These are all great little bunny pieces. Most of them look like the ones in your yard too!
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