Design - "Log Cabin Cat"
Designer - Barrick Samplers
Fabric - 40 count R & R Sheep's Straw linen
Fibers - DMC - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 29 September 2014
Completed - 12 April 2015
It took some time, but it was worth it. This is a very different color pallet than I normally stitch and the 40 count fabric was a challenge.
Aren't these wonderful birdhouses? I saw them for sale at our Saturday Market.
When I am outside I often feel as though I am being watched!
Peek-a-boo I see you!
You might remember two male Evening Grosbeaks came to my feeders on April 1st. Since then the birds have been AWOL until Saturday when I saw this group of 10 birds. Though they did not come to the feeders, I was pleased to see both males and females. Here's hoping!
I haven't seen any nest building, but everything I've read indicates that the Black-capped Chickadees should be making nests and starting families.

At our old house we had a very small ornamental birdhouse on a post in our garden very near a tree. Each year a Chickadee couple occupied the house and raised a family.
I think they liked the site - close to a tree. They'd fly to the tree and wait an bit, then flit into the birdhouse.
I still have the birdhouse, but thus far I've not been successful at attracting tenants.
Saturday afternoon around 4:00pm I was in the house stitching when I heard a sound outside a saw Padma trot across the back patio. I thought he might have made a dash to chase the Band-tailed Pigeons, and the noise was then caused by the flock of birds.
I decided to investigate and when I opened the door and stepped outside to look, there was a large Bob-cat at the back edge of the lawn looking intently at the four cats who were all looking back with equal intensity. I immediately started trying to herd the cats back in, beginning with Padma who was the farthest away. I got a couple of cats inside and they began wailing and caterwauling. By the time I'd successful gotten everyone safely inside the Bob-cat was long gone and my hands were shaking!
The above two photos show how interested the house-cats remained when I allowed them back outside about 20 minutes later. Tom-Cat stayed safe by the green chair with his fur like a Halloween cat - his tail looked liked bottle brush. He sniffed the air several times and wanted right back inside. Solomon, the other tiger, walked to the edge of the patio focused on the area where the Bob-cat had been - sniffing, sniffing, sniffing. Sunday morning Padma walked out on the grass with Tom-Cat and they more closely investigated the area where I'd seen the Bob-cat. No photos of the Bob-cat as that was the last thing I was thinking about - I just wanted the Cat Crew safe inside.
Oh Beth, what a scare that was for you - at least you managed to get all four safely inside. I love the intent look on that sweet little face and the raised up fur that says "I'm much bigger than I really am".
Oh my, that was terrifying for you! I'm glad the cats (and you) got out of that one safely!
The Log Cabin cat finish looks great.
We have had chickadees nest each year in a little birdhouse on the side of our garage. In the Fall (bird house was empty) the strangest thing happened. A woodpecker started pecking at the house and made one of the two holes bigger all around!!! I'm not sure what will happen this year with the birdhouse!
What a scare you and the cats had! I hope the Bobcat doesn't come back looking for your kitties! I know you will be on the look-out.
Beth, what an awful scare! I am so glad that all four cats are okay.
Your Log Cabin Cat is so cool! Good for you for persevering.
We had chickadees nest in one of our birdhouses near the fence but also near to some trees. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they nest in it again this year.
OMG! That is so scary! Glad all the cats were gotten safely inside. I think they would have been smart enough to stay away from the bobcat? But thank goodness you checked what was up and saved the day! Love your stitching finish. It's just wonderful!
Oh Beth, I am so glad to hear that your cat family is safe!! How scary, even if the cats didn't think so. I do love the log cabin cat project, very cute!!
Do you know, I have goosebumps reading that story. Mabel was just a little puppy when she barked and barked to be let in. I had left her on the leash by the porch for less than 2 minutes. I thought what in the world is going on at 10:00 at night? A Great Horned Owl had landed on the back fence, about 40 feet from her. It stared at me a second before taking off. My heart rate! Those talons releasing the city fence with such a rattle!
How scary to have the bobcat that close to the cats!! I would have been shaking too, trying to get everyone inside. I'm glad nothing bad happened. I'm sure they are smelling around!!
Looks like your kitties are good watchcats, Beth! So glad the bobcat didn't cause them any harm.
Your finish is very cute--I have trouble stitching with browns for some reason, too!
Wow, that would be so scary! I'm always alert for the Bob-cats around here. They surprise/scare me as much as I surprise/scare them.
So pleased that you are all safe. Great birdhouses!
YIKES! Not good when they start coming so close to the houses....! Log Cabin looks really great!!
Eiiieeeeee! That is too close for me. I wonder if an air horn would scare him off? (Once the house cats are inside, of course, because it would definitely scatter THEM. lol)
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