Saturday, July 29, 2023

Saturday's Critters

Here we go!

Brush Rabbit - not seeing many of them this summer.

It's hot and everyone is thirsty. 

And I mean everyone!

There's a set of twin fawns regularly coming by with their mother.
Twin #1 

Twin #2

They are very cute.

And inseperable.

So lots of photos of them.

Here's Oliver!

And this is NOT Barry.
This Buck was in distress.  As you can see the left antler has been torn off while still in velvet.  The poor buck was trying to shake it off, but it was still partially attached. The antlers at this stage are covered in velvet which is a soft membrane with a rich supply of blood and nutrients from the veins that are on the outside of the antlers. It must be extremely painful to lose one at this stage.

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