Thursday, October 5, 2023

Cascara Berries and Cedar Waxwings

Designer - Fanci That
Chart - Pumpkin (#101)
Fabric - 10" x 10" 36 count Edinborough Sand
Began -1 October 2002
Completed - Halloween 2002

I've been waiting and waiting and waiting. 

For what? For the Cedar Waxwings to show up.

Usually in September I have large flocks of Cedar Waxwings flying about eating Cascara berries.


Tuesday night about 6pm I heard and then saw 20-30 birds. 

These guys!

A nice flock of mature and juvenile birds.
So yes, I took lots of photos.

Because they perch just asking for photos.

Am I right?

Here's two mature birds.

You can see the bright yellow stripe on their tails and the red waxwing on the bird on the right.

In contrast, these are a couple of juvenile birds. 

They are long and lean and rather dull looking in comparison to the mature birds.
Nonetheless, ALL Waxwings are welcome here! 


Robin in Virginia said...

Awesome flock of Cedar Waxwings, Beth! Will they hange around for a while or are they just passing through?

Pam C said...

The Waxwings are very pretty. I just looked them up in FL, and they are true snowbirds here (not the human variety). I will keep a lookout this winter. SO happy to see Luna’s picture has been added to the cat pictures!