Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday Walk

We had the coolest clouds on Monday.

They are called Gravity Wave Clouds.

Very funky with ripples...

...and small breaks between.
I was glad to have been outside to see them.

There's a break between the storms, let's go outside and look around the flowerbeds.

What else is there to see?

The Tete-a-tete daffodils are spectacular.

The snowdrops are holding strong.

The crocus have joined in.

The flowering current is budding. 



Bleeding Heart


Trillium 'Volcano' - it is going to explode!



Nothing is weirder looking than Podophyllum  (May Apples) as they emerge.

Another Bleeding Heart

An Oregon Native Bleeding Heart.

Fawn Lily


I hope you enjoyed this taste of spring.


Vickie said...

Oh yes, I enjoyed this very much. And those clouds are really neat. It is currently 9º here.

Maggee said...

It is so nice to see signs of spring, even if it is 3000 miles away--it's promising! My daffodils and such are 'up' but not ready to bloom yet. So I shall stitch flowers to satisfy my need for spring! Cool clouds... never knew the name. Hugs!

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Beautiful clouds indeed Beth. I can't believe you've got a flowering currant in bud. They don't usually come out here till around May - my in laws used to have a huge one in their back garden when my husband and I were "courting".

Barb said...

Such a delightful walk. You are about the same place in the season that we are. Those clouds were amazing. They looked more like water than clouds.

Silvana said...

che bella carrellata di fiori mi sembra quasi di sentirne il profumo

daisy g said...

Those clouds are amazing! Glad you took the time to capture them on film. The daffs are my favorite, but you certainly have spring coming a few weeks early!

cucki said...

Lovely walk x

Le trame della Galaverna said...

Beautiful photos
Many compliments

Wanda said...

Thanks for sharing those cloud pictures Beth. They are spectacular!
I'm so jealous of all your springtime flowers. I will be so excited when I see a robin!

Angela said...

Lovely pics :)