Design - "4th of July" (Flip It)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 16 count Aida
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands
Started - October 2014
Completed - November 2014
With longer evenings, my Mom has been stitching up a storm. She just completed the patriotic stitch above, and is getting started on a pumpkin-themed design.

Lots of folks wondered why on earth I stitch upside down.
There are three reasons.
When I began to stitch and embroider as a young teenager, I learned by looking while standing in front of other stitchers - not by looking over their shoulders. So I started off by viewing the pattern and stitched pieces upside down.
Think about stitching as a creative form of writing with thread. As a "lefty" when I write the ink flows, and then the base of my left hand moves over the top of what I've just written - usually sometimes smearing the ink. If I were to stitch 'right-side up" then same thing would happen with my stitching. My hand would move over the top my stitching. By stitching upside down, and working from right to left instead of left to right, I keep my hand and fingers away from the stitching. The stitching thus stays much cleaner than it might otherwise.
After all these decades years stitching upside down I am totally incapable of stitching any other way. Upside Down it is the Right Way for me to stitch!
We've had cold foggy mornings.
That makes for downy, puffy birds.
On gray mornings, I like to see the bright blue Steller's Jays.
Even if they are somewhat Grumpy Birds!
I put out a few acorns for my woodpeckers, but the darned Scrub Jays snagged most of them.
Here's an Acorn Woodpecker posing with my bird finial atop the feeder.
The Black-capped Chickadee says, "Don't forget the little birds!"
...and don't forget the cute bunnies!
haha! Love the Acorn Woodpecker with the bird finial. That made me look twice. ;)
How about the game huh? The Pack pounded the Bears.
The 4th of July finish made be stop and check the date...upside down unusual! Glad Solomon is feeling better, lets hope he stays that way.
Congrats to your mother on the cute finish. Great pics of the birds and bunny :-)
I was thinking of you yesterday as I spotted a goldfinch in my garden. It's the first we've had in around four years. They are such pretty birds.
It's always interesting to me the way people learn things. That's they way I teach left handed quilters too...sitting across from me. It is still the same beautiful result!
Your bird pictures are wonderful! Somehow you can feel the chilly temps just by looking! Very interesting on why you stitch upside down. Makes perfect sense! Good for your mom on the stitching front!
Your stitching is beautiful Beth so this is the perfect method for you! I'm glad your mom is able to take advantage of stitching time.
What great pictures with perfect captions by each of them!
Thanks for the info Beth. Sometimes when I'm backstitching, I do it upside down. It makes the fabric easier to hold.
Your Mom will be all ready for next summer! The dull sky just makes the birds look prettier. I will be putting out the deck feeders this week, it is going to be very cold.
Well no matter how you stitch, the end result is lovely. Your Mom's patriotic stitch is cute. Also, the bird pics are great. The acorn woodpeckers are comical looking.
Love the jays. Your Mum's stitching is wonderful. Still the same result even if it is upside down to us!
Thanks for sharing about the method you use for stitching. It is so fascinating! I start my stitching in the top left corner... but then it depends on how the design goes... I often stitch all of a color, so that means jumping around. Usually on a small. I guess I am not to be considered 'consistent'! Yay to your Mom for the finish!
It's funny how lefties learn to cope in a right hand world. I hear ya on that. The nuns didn't have much patience for that sort of thing when I was in grade school so I just learned to use scissors and other stuff with my right to save time. Still stitch with my left though. :)
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