Sunday was such a pretty day - more like a day in May than November.
So perhaps it's fitting then that I worked on "May's Lily". I have two more leaves to stitch and the twelve blossoms, and I'll be done. I think that I'll probably get this finished sometime this week, and save my next "Sunday Series Stitch" to kit up and begin "June's Honeysuckle".

We still have one Turkey Vulture hanging about. I wonder if he's decided to winter here rather than migrate.
On Saturday I had very little bird action.
In part because this hawk hung out for most of the day.
Over the past few days I've noticed that in the early morning the Acorn Woodpeckers land on our driveway and appear to 'work the gravel'. I am used to seeing the Flickers on the ground, but have not observed this behavior with the Acorns before.
There are a few Mourning Doves around as well. They are timid birds, even more so now with hawks in the area.
I think I have more Juncos than any other bird.
I did count over 28 California Quail in the backyard the other day. I think that's the largest winter group I've ever seen.
Sweet stitches..
Big hugs x
Sweet stitches..
Big hugs x
Cute design :)
Our collared doves are very timid too - we have a pair visiting every day at the moment.
I like your stitched piece and almost done too!
It's lovely to see the birds. They seem to stand out more now that the landscape is so much more muted!
The quails are such interesting birds, very pretty. Just think, you will have them all finished by next Spring! They are lovely with wonderful borders. If I hadn't started Word Play , I would do the ones you are doing.
Sweet stitches! Wonder if any of the birds behaviors is foretelling of the type of winter we will have?
Your May piece is looking wonderful! Love all the birds too. They're smart to stay away with the hawk around.
I haven't seen that pattern finished yet, and can't wait to see what the blossoms are like! I guess the birds are all adapting to the coming of winter, in their own ways. Hugs!
A May day in November! Must be nice -- we've had snow again today and the temps dropped are in the 20's. May's Lily is coming along nicely.
Great stitching progress. Sunday was very warm here too.
Oh, I see a finish coming very soon--that is so pretty, Beth!
Love those quails--what elegant birds!
What a gorgeous design. Looks really pretty!
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