Wednesday, January 15, 2025

About a Year Ago

This is what I had to report January 13th, 2024.


So, there's a huge winter storm impacting a great deal of North America - both Canada and the US.   

The southern Willamette Valley drew the short straw - FREEZING RAIN.

It began early Saturday morning and is supposed to last until 10pm.

But the temperatures will be well below freezing, so this will linger through 
Monday and maybe Tuesday we'll get another round. 


I did top off all my feeder yesterday, but you can see that some are empty.

And the fountains...

I'm going to turn them off, to save the motors, even though the birds are using them.

It does look pretty.

Very sculptural.


So far the load has been light.

Other parts of the state have extremely high winds, snow, downed trees and power lines.

We have ice.

Crusty freezing rain.

I only saw one set of deer briefly today.

We are hunkered down - staying safe.
I hope you are too.

January 2025 started out wet, but has transitioned to cold, but no moisture.  


1 comment:

MaryO1230 said...

BRRRRR...I grew up on Connecticut and remember ice storms....but as a kid I didn't have to drive in it! Lovely photos Beth..