Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year

A Christmas Card sent to my Great grandmother from her sister 99 years ago.


Card - Front

Card - Back

This card was sent December 1926 from Margaret McAdam in Blooming Prairie, MN to her sister, Janet (Net) McAdam Waning in Wendling, OR.

"Dear Sister,
We are all just fine as this year draws to a close -  Ella was still waiting the last she wrote - I am hoping every day to get good news.  A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year - to all - From all of us,
Much Love
Margaret McAdam"

What was Ella waiting for?  I have a pretty solid theory.  This card was postmarked the 20th of December 1926, and Ella's second child, Joseph Caufield was born the 16th of December 1926.  I would bet Margaret and Net were awaiting word from Ella on Joe's birth and had not yet received the news.    

1 comment:

Astrids dragon said...

Wow, what a treasure to have this! And it still looks like it's in good condition.