Sunday, January 5, 2025

December Trail Camera - The Backyard

 On to the backyard!

A skunk

A raccoon

The midnight hour

A doe

A buck

Night time buck

Another doe

Close up

And this is my Friday the 13th feeder marauder.

The bear wrecked havoc on my feeders  

Obligatory close up

I took the feeders down for several days.

Which was a good idea as the bear returned the next evening.

And to Robin and JustGail who guessed about the creature on Saturday's post. You both guessed correctly.

And disconcertingly, the cougar was in our backyard on the 18th!

Yikes!  About 5pm at dusk when hunters hunt.

It hung around for about 15 minutes.
And the was captured 2 days later on the trial camera at Dorothy's Creek.


JustGail said...

How cool, yet at the same time "Eeek!" about the mountain lion.

Robin in Virginia said...

Both the bear and the cougar/mountain lion look very healthy. Wow!