Monday, October 7, 2019

September Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek - Bears

Lots of bear activity in September, so I thought they were deserving of their own post.

This youngster says, "Huh, a rubber ball!"

"I think I'll grab it."

"And carry it off this way."

"Or this way"

Here's a good sized bear having a drink.

Then heading off.

This was the September Surprise!
A sow and three cubs.

The ball was not interesting, but the chance to drink some water was.

Later in the month, the youngster came back for some play time with the ball. 

And off he goes!

But this guy wins as the Biggest Bear of the Bunch. 

During the fall bears practice hyperphagia - they are continuously hungry. They can eat up to 20 hours of the day, gaining more than 2 pounds a day.  This allows them to store enough fat to successfully hibernate.  This guy is super prepared!


Robin in Virginia said...

What fabulous bear shots, Beth! We haven't seen any in a few weeks, but know they are out there. They leave behind a calling card! LOL

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Do you fill the water pill allot or let the rain fill it. I would be very carefully if you are filling it with those bears and other animals around. I would take someone with me as look out. You would not want to be bear food. hugs love the picture just worried for you safety.

Margaret said...

So amazing! So many bears! Cool!

Barb said...

What a fascinating post! I know the bears are in our woods but I have never seen one. I really think we need one of those trail cameras!!