Friday, January 4, 2019

A Slow Start or Finish

I haven't touched my bullfinch since well before Christmas.  I truly do not have that much left to do - some berries, snow, and snowflakes.  What I need is motivation. 

Continuing on with my woodpeckers.

After a three week hiatus, a male Hairy Woodpecker showed up.  

I also had a couple sightings of a male Flicker. 

All three Acorn Woodpeckers have been active.

Here are the two guys.

Best photo of them. My photos of the female are really blurry and not fit to share.

The males have been active at the peanut feeders.

They have such nice bright clean lines.

I did hear a Pileated Woodpecker flying and calling off in the distance, but never saw it.


Robin in Virginia said...

Your Bullfinch is looking good. Always enjoy viewing your bird photos, Beth!

LaNelle said...

Beautiful stitching & the vivid colors on woodpecker! Happy weekend

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Such beautiful birds!

Claudette497 said...

The real birds are so entertaining, I can see why the stitched bird isn't getting that final push!

RJ said...

Fantastic shots of such great looking birds. RJ