Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Gray Day

This is western Oregon in Mid-February.
Gray and mild - our ten day forecast has temperatures in the upper 40s and low 50s. 

In keeping with our color palette - a Mourning Dove.

And a couple of Juncos.

The female Evening Grosbeak adds a bit of color to a dull day.

Douglas' Squirrel Tamiasciurus douglasii

It is rare that I have a Douglas Squirrel around.  The Douglas' Squirrel is one of the smaller tree squirrels in Oregon. The color and markings of this squirrel differ individually, geographically and seasonally, appearing a dusky olive to brownish gray with an indistinct band of reddish brown with a blackish band along the flanks.  The squirrel inhabits the coniferous forests from the Pacific coast to as far east as western Baker County.  Douglas' squirrels are active during the daylight hours year-round; although they may remain in their nests or tree dens for a day or two during inclement weather.  And yes, they too enjoy black oil sunflower seeds!


Pam in IL said...

Lovely pics. It's been rather gray here the last few days too. In fact, it's raining again and we have some flooding in the yard.

Giovanna said...

What a sweet little squirrel! We're expecting snow here tomorrow - not looking forward to it...

Barb said...

Your weather is an exact match!! Can you believe I'm actually looking for some fog colored linen!!??

Athena at Minervas Garden said...

Grey in SW Washington state today as well. It does make me happy to be able to look out the window and see all the variety of birds that the winter plants and the feeders attract, and you have a great variety at your home as well!