Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Hirons - Part Two

I watched as two women headed into the store.  One said to the other, "Heads up!  They are A LOT of stuff!" True words!

As promised, more photos.

Christmas décor by color 



Purples and black

Retro decorations


Not all Christmas though. Do you need a mask?

How about a dinosaur?

Another tree

Merry Christmas!


Sharon said...

Wow, that is a lot of stuff. Lovely colours though. Very festive (well, except the masks lol)

MaryO1230 said...

What a great place! Look forward to Hiron's post every year. Wonderful! Merry Christmas to you & yours Beth!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎅🤶🎅🤶🎅🤶