Friday, August 2, 2024

Western Wood Pewees

Design - "For Forty Days and Forty Nights"
Chart - "Noah's Guardian Angel"
Designer - Curtis Boehringer
Fabric - 28 count Putty linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 August 2015
Completed - 18 August 2015

I think this is my favorite Noah stitch.

Down by the Big Creek Tuesday morning, there were Western Wood Pewees everywhere.

Single birds calling

It's nice because as a flycatcher, they tend to perch atop shrubs and small trees.

I saw as many as three birds together.

The most I was ever able to capture though was two.

Another duo

Such fun to watch these birds as the flitted about.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Nice photos. I'm in Michigan. There are Eastern Wood Peewees here, but, to me they look the same lol