Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wednesday's Walk

It's Wednesday.

Off we go!

New buds

Song Sparrow

Can you see the Rudy-crowned Kinglet?
Look for a bit of yellow.

Fox Sparrow

Mossy creek

Licorice fern

Osoberry - the first native shrub/tree to left out and bloom in the spring.

And another Pacific Northwest native - a banana slug (Ariolimax columbianus).


Robin in Virginia said...

Interesting sightings on your walk, Beth!

Sarah Beth’s Stitching said...

Love your photos Beth. Been following you ever since I started blogging. So over 10 years. I love nature photography as well. I especially enjoy taking macros of incests. Anyways… I found an app called iNaturalist that I upload my photos to. I really enjoy finding out species of different living things. You can even put microscopic stuff on it as well. Anyways I thought you might like to use this app too.